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Everything In Its Place?

Updated: Feb 12, 2022

Yes! And, no. I am ALL about everything having a place where it belongs. But there's something about this phrase that makes me feel like I have to constantly perform. It's like I can hear the "Under Pressure" song playing in the background as I am frantically trying to get everything in its place. To me, it doesn't provide the freedom for NORMAL life to happen. If everything in its place is what we're striving for, then we must even put "being organized" in its rightful place.

While it's certainly not a bad desire to be more organized, life is just, well, MESSY. I know I am. Jobs are messy. Friendships are messy. Marriage is messy. Parenting is messy. Kids are messy. And so on! For me, having everything in its place can quickly turn from enjoying the beauty in it, to something not-so-pretty.

When I trade relationships for getting it done, when I elevate being organized over human beings, I need to be reminded to put it in its proper place. To feel the freedom to let life be messy, because it is. To be known & loved in spite of my own messiness. That's what I really long for. Not everything in its place. People are worth stopping to really see, embrace & enjoy.

All of those other things can wait ... out of their place.


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