My feeble attempt to put words to my sadness that things are not as they should be in the world right now.
Like the torrents in a deep, blue sea
Thoughts swell within my mind
I try so hard to capture them
But they’re really hard to find
Anxious feelings a slippery fish
Arduous to grasp onto
But it’s the way I’m feeling now
And wondering if you do too
Swirling in that deep blue sea
The heart can often feel stuck
How I long to be upon a rock
Out of the mire and muck
Can’t numb, detach, try to distract
I could try, but to no avail
When at a standstill out at sea
You need the wind within your sail
The water from the journey
Will wash away the tears
Bring your fears into the light
There is One who always hears
Cast your heavy onto the rock
For He is solid ground
Amazing Grace within the storm
What once was lost, now found